
Showing posts from August, 2020

Pacemakers and 3D Printer - Old and New Medical Technology Innovations.

The title of this blog entry originally was meant to be: "How does technology affect our health?" This title may seem as I'm a technology hating, technophobe void of any desire to surrond myself with any form of tech. However, when discussing the affects of technology and our health I particularly mean the advancements in the industry that have made significant changes for the good. I won't be discussing 5G (yet) but I will be mainly focusing on medical innovations that have improved the lives of many! Pacemakers Those that haven't heard of a pacemaker before in the most basic terms it's simply a device used to send electrical impulses to the heart. This allows for the contraction of the heart muscles which in turn pump the blood around our bodies. Generally used for those that have issues related to their hearts beating differently. They were created and introduced in 1958 thanks to the great electrical engineer, Wilson Greatbatch. A pacemaker will consist of