
Health Issues Caused by Technology

Computing has been responsible for many great medical advances and technology. However, over the years computer usage has drastically increased and is now part of the lives of many. Increased daily usage of computers and similar technology comes with a vast variety of benefits however there are also many downsides to such usages, especially when it comes to your health.  Repetitive Strain Injury Excessive usage of computers, smartphones, tablets can easily cause repetitive strain injury. As the name suggests, repetitive strain injury is caused by repeated activity, movement or even positions. One of the most modern causes of RSI (Repetitive Strain Injury) is due to using a computer, specifically a mouse and keyboard. Bad desk ergonomics is often the cause of this or atleast an aid for causing these injuries, desk ergonomics refers to the design and set up of your desk and how it can be arranged in the most efficient way in order to minimise injury and harm. RSI caused by computers will

Windows 1.0 - Window's First GUI.

We all know the iconic Windows XP and 98 but we don’t really hear much about Bill Gate’s first GUI development, Windows 1.0. Released in 1985, despite the reputation of Windows they were not the first operating system which had a GUI. GUI stands for Graphical User Interface which is a type of operating system that features graphical components such as icons. Nowadays, this is what the common user has in their system as it’s easier to understand than the opposite Command Line Interfaces. You can still access command lines if you sport an operating system with a GUI so it makes owning strictly command line operating systems quite limiting. Windows 1.0 Release  As briefly mentioned, Windows 1.0 was released on November 20th, 1985. This was the first initial released, in 1986 Windows 1.0 finally became available internationally resulting in the version 1.02. A total of two further releases followed, one in 1986 with additional imporvements made for the drivers of hardware components. Fin

Pacemakers and 3D Printer - Old and New Medical Technology Innovations.

The title of this blog entry originally was meant to be: "How does technology affect our health?" This title may seem as I'm a technology hating, technophobe void of any desire to surrond myself with any form of tech. However, when discussing the affects of technology and our health I particularly mean the advancements in the industry that have made significant changes for the good. I won't be discussing 5G (yet) but I will be mainly focusing on medical innovations that have improved the lives of many! Pacemakers Those that haven't heard of a pacemaker before in the most basic terms it's simply a device used to send electrical impulses to the heart. This allows for the contraction of the heart muscles which in turn pump the blood around our bodies. Generally used for those that have issues related to their hearts beating differently. They were created and introduced in 1958 thanks to the great electrical engineer, Wilson Greatbatch. A pacemaker will consist of